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The End

     In the Last Quarter of this school year, I learned all about Photoshop particularly the different tools used in editing photo and how they work. I find it really hard, complicated and tricky at first but I still manage to understand. I find this topic interesting and maybe I can use this in the future. We only had reportings so I didn't understand much but with the help of our ICT teacher and some of my classmates and friends, I managed to do it properly.     I want to know more about Photoshop in the future and I hope that my future teachers can help me. I also want to develop my skills for me to share it to others. Thank you ma'am for all your sacrifices and lessons you thought us in this school year. This really can help us in the future. Hoping for more lessons from you ma'am. This lessons will stay in our minds. I will never forget how great teacher you are.

My Dream Profession

     Each and everyone of us have their own dreams. Ambitions that we want to fulfill. Goals we want to achieve. We might have different objectives we want to achieve or fulfill but majority of us wants to be rich and successful in order to help their parents someday. My dream profession is to become a licensed and successful engineer someday.          At first, I only want to become an engineer because of my dad. But as I grew older, my perspectives changed. Being influenced by the people around me, I've decided to become an engineer because I want it and not just because of my dad. But first, I will study harder to prepare myself. After I graduate, I'll find a job and earn some money and travel around the world with loved ones, help my parents and my future family. I want to pay back their sacrifices just to support us in our everyday life.          But right now, I am just a grade 10 student and is ready to enter another chapter of my life. I will continue and pursue my

A Day to Remember

     Annually, Ilocos Sur National High School celebrates its foundation day. It is the most awaited event of every students in ISNHS. It is the time to commemorate the birth or founding of ISNHS. There's an activity or contest that involves all of the students of ISNHS, the field demo.          The field is set and all of the students are enjoying the day with laughter, excitement and enjoyment. Each grade level, boys and girls, performed their number in the middle of the field. The heat from the sun that touches their skins. That was nothing compared to their practices. It was fun,  it really was. If you can just see the smiles and laughters of the students, it was all worth it. All of the sacrifices of the students especially the teachers who made the event possible.  It was paid off not by money but the joy it gave to the students. In the end, there is only one winner for boys and one winner for girls. For those who loses, better luck next year. For the teachers, you were all

We are Rich!

     Festivals were one of the happiest and liveliest event or occasion you have to experience. Different people,  different cultures and traditions. Stalls everywhere, children playing together, entertaining shows, contests and activities, and sometimes fire works display. We Ilocanos have very rich cultures and traditions that we can be proud of. Cultures and traditions we must preserve and protect for the next generations.          This year is the 195th anniversary of the province of Ilocos Sur. But the main attraction of this anniversary Is the Kannawidan Festival. It was celebrated on the last week of January to the first week of February. All Ilocanos joined together to manage the whole festival held at Tamag Grounds,  Vigan City. Through this, we can promote the tourism industry of Ilocos Sur. Products, cultures and traditions of different municipalities. There are also various events, contests and activities you can enjoy with your loved ones.          We Ilocanos are rich

A Change for the Better

     To some people, change might be impossible. For them, change is a big joke. But I still believe that change can still be made. You want to change the world you are living? Start it first by yourself. You need to be hardworking and patient in order to achieve the change that you desire. If you really want a change, do it not tomorrow or the other day,  do it NOW!          Everyone has the capability to change one's self. If you want something, do something. Look for every opportunities and grab it. Work hard for it. Use your knowledge not you fists to change the world. You can achieve these changes and live a happy life in the new world that you're going to make. A change where you can live peacefully and happily. A change of this cruel and unfair world for the better.            Change is not always necessary. If you can change the world the way you are now,  that's better. Because changing is not always the solution if you want something to also change. We can lea

A New Beginning

     A day full of lightings and fireworks everywhere, noises from horns and others. Laughters and smiles of the people around. And of course food to eat in Media Noche. A day full of happiness, joy and prosperity. The start of another 12 months of new memories and maybe to start a new life, new lifestyle, different chances to grab,  and also changes we want to make. It is also the day to celebrate and thank God for another year He gave us another year for some changes, changes for the better.          We all have a New Year's Resolution.  We might have different New Year's Resolution, but some of us also have the same.  It might be a change,  a change to yourself or a change in your way of living. Things we want to achieve. Dreams we want to pursue. Plans we want to happen, or wishes and promises we want to fulfill.          My New Year's Resolution would be a change of my perspective in life. Before, I am so negative in life. Thinking I can't do anything, easy to